Adding utilities to libphonenumber API

LibphonenumberAPI is googles common Java, Javascript and C++ library for parsing , validating and formatting international phone numbers.

It is available through npm and can be found here. I decided to build a web service using this package. The repository for this is here .

Technology Stack that I used are

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Javascript
  • Postman
Use the browser to send the GET request like this -

GET request sent from the URL

The results for this call is displayed in the terminal.

Parsed results of the GET request

POST request was made using a third-party application called Postman. Results are displayed here.

Overall the project was small and it was an introduction for me to use the URL is pass in parameters which I never used knowingly. This was also a great little project to learn how to use Express.js .


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